Meet MLH's Top Hackers of 2020!

Last year, Major League Hacking (MLH) empowered nearly 100,000 technologists worldwide. Our community is full of people who will change the world. It's their stories that inspire us to do what we do every day. We launched the MLH Top 50 to highlight a few of the most inspiring stories from the last year with the hope they’ll inspire you too. Read more →

Kat O’Leary
Featured Hacker

Kat O’Leary, 21

Kat O’Leary had no desire to join the hacker community until a friend dragged them there against their will. Now, they cannot get enough! Having worked as an organizer, mentor, and coach, Kat has a profound love for the community and works to make the hackerspace more non-coder and LGBTQ+ inclusive. Kat will continue to do this when they join MLH full-time as a Localhost Product Manager in the summer. 

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Who are these hackers?

These hackers are people who have stood out from the crowd and done something exceptional within the hacker community. Whether they were creating an event to bring tech education to their area, working to make the tech world more inclusive, or programming a project with a positive impact on society, they have all inspired us. Like you, they are students or recent graduates who are using their knowledge to make the world a better place.